Recreational opportunities in Flin Flon and surrounding area are plentiful with a variety of programs, leisure activities, organizations, events, and facilities available to be enjoyed. For the outdoor enthusiast, the surrounding forests and lakes provide hiking, swimming, fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, and other nature-based opportunities.
The friendly atmosphere and relaxed environment provide individuals and families with a quality of life that allows enjoyment of all the four-season recreational opportunities available in and around this prosperous center.
Flin Flon Parks and Recreation Department Mandate
The mandate of the Flin Flon Parks and Recreation Department is to provide quality recreation facilities, programs, and services to the citizens of Flin Flon at an affordable price for all.
Parks and recreation services are geared to allow benefits to be recognized and appreciated both by users and non-users.
Selection of Programs
The Flin Flon Parks and Recreation Departement is pleased to offer a diversified selection of programs and facilities that provide positive recreational experiences to benefit everyone and enhance the quality of life in our community.
For more information on programs and recreational opportunities in Flin Flon contact the Recreation Manager Nicole Hartman at (204) 681-7502.